Monday, April 24, 2006


Yesterday, I sent emails accepting the offer from a placment company and rejecting the offers from the hagwans (private schools). I feel good about this decision, but am still sort of in a minor freak-out, "is this real?" kinda place. Like, "I am really going to do this? For real?"

I look around my apartment, and there is SO much stuff! And I look and think, "oh, I can't get rid of that! I LOVE that!" when the reality is that I need to get rid of almost everything. I have a big rubbermaid tub of books that I'm unable to part with (though I may go through again and try to purge) and I've gone through the yarn stash and seperated out what stays and what goes. I am planning to ship a box of yarn to a friend in Korea within the next week or so. Kind of like a downpayment on actually moving, I guess. But still, so much stuff. I'm planning on a yard sale, and the rest? I guess Goodwill.

Right now, clothing will be pretty easy, as it will mostly be handknits since almost everything else is too big. While a good thing, I need to start thinking about what I need to take with me to Japan.

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