Monday, February 12, 2007

School lunch

In the middle of this hugely long break from school there is one week of classes, mostly for kids to graduate to the next grade and/or next school, and for incoming students to take placement tests which will put them in rank from 1 to whatever and which will follow them for the course of next year. Not to put pressure on them or anything. But anyway, that means that today I was back at school for the one day of actual "teaching" (if by playing games and buying compliance with candy can count as teaching) and several days of sitting at the computer I have this week. (which is good, because it seems that my classroom is again unheated. Which isn't nice when one is just returning from a sun-filled vacation.)

After weeks of bitching about school lunch it finally dawned on me - I don't have to eat it. I mean, I was only taking the things I liked and was drawing even more attention to my picky eater-ness (which made people think I didn't like Korean food - not true), so it is probably just as well that I not even hit the cafeteria. I went to one of the nice teachers and played the fat/diet card (while now I would be normal-sized in the US, here I'm considered gigantic - though from what I see in the sauna, I'm not all that disproportionate) and so just like that, I'm out and will no longer have to pay for food that is often down right BAD. And the nice teacher said it was fine, and that no one would think badly about me for not going to the cafeteria or bringing my lunch, so that was nice.

Only slightly related, it is probably a good thing that my school only has crappy instant coffee available, as I would probably move from "slightly excessive" to "disturbing" in my coffee consumption.


Ms Parker said...

I'm just too lazy to bring lunch to school.

In a brilliant feat of being invited out to a Western-ish restaurant for lunch today, I have managed to hold off on eating Korean food for yet another day!

Anonymous said...

As a substitute teacher not always knowing when the phone will ring, I often get stuck eating school lunches. I figure that the $2.60 for a lunch and a milk really isn't all that bad. Please don't try to convince me that the meals there are worse than corn dogs, mystery meat or slop on a plate. I will admit that the fruits are quite often very good and the milk isn't bad. Well, I did hear about tentacles in one of your meals that I probably would have trouble eating. Go do you best and that will be more than enough. MUD