Thursday, November 01, 2007

1. I was just invited to join the other 6th grade teachers in the staff room for something to eat. Walking down the hall, my only thought was, "wow, this doesn't smell appetizing at all." When I walked in, there were plates of red pepper paste with still live octopus wriggling on them. STILL LIVE. WRIGGLING.

I walked over to my co-teacher and (I thought rather calmly) mentioned that I would be coming back to the classroom since I couldn't deal with the LIVE OCTOPUS. And her response was a genuinely surprised "Really?" Then she laughed. Not really in a mean way, but still.

(For the handful of people in Mokpo, I know this is common, but it is something I've been able to avoid for the past 2 months. Ick and yuck.)

2. Dear People on the street during my run yesterday,

Listen, I get that you maybe don't see many foreigners, nor do you see many women running, so when you see both those things all in one person, it is a bit of a shock. To the cool old dude who smiled in a non-creepy way and said "fighting!", thanks. For those old men who stood in the middle of the running path to stare, the old women who took up the whole path and refused to move to let people pass, the dudes on bikes who slowed down to watch, the people who almost ran into me with their bikes because couldn't both stare and control the bike, and the idiot peeing on the sidewalk, I really hate you. And old men who smell like soju? I hate you most of all.

No love at all (except you, "fighting" dude),

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