Monday, November 19, 2007


This weekend was a climb with the local club. I'm still sort of processing things, but I think maybe climbing with the Korean club may not be for me.

There were a couple of things I over-reacted to this weekend - things that I took as insults that were more a matter of communication then an actual attempt to be insulting. But there were some things that just didn't make me feel comfortable and some things that WERE insulting. When your friends ask, "do they always treat you like this?" when you don't think they are treating you as badly as they usually do, well, there are problems. There are many people that I like as individuals, but as a group it is just very difficult for me to deal with.

The thing that was the most clear is that when I climb with other foreigners, I have fun. When I'm with the local club, I have much less fun. While physically I'm a stronger climber then I was almost two months ago (when I started climbing inside), I feel like I'm going backwards in terms of the mental aspects and I'm not really sure how to fix that. But feeling like crap about myself isn't helping anything.


Anonymous said...

:( I hope you feel better soon. I understand your angst towards others... sigh... yesterday someone gave me sad eyes for something that I haven't discussed with her but that Mokpo-ian gossip had spread to her...and although she meant well I wanted to swat her... when will vacation begin,eh? Soon enough. Soon enough.

Ms Parker said...

It sucks that climbing, which should and does bring you joy was made into something negative by others...
