Thursday, November 22, 2007

Simplest thing in the world

I found this link from the Stumptuous blog which links to Josh Hillis' blog where he quoted:

Calories in, Calories out
You must come to accept the factual calories in and out aspect of weight management; otherwise, there's no point in trying to solve for the motivation aspect. Repeat after me: if you’re overweight, it’s not because of your age, it’s not your thyroid, it’s not menopause, it’s not because you don’t eat enough, it’s not your parents’ fault, it’s not the number of fat cells you were born with, it’s not that you don’t do your aerobic work in your target heart range, it’s not high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), it’s not that you weren’t breast fed, it’s not your medication, it’s not your hormones, it’s not sugar, it’s not trans fat, it’s not saturated fats, it’s not carbohydrates, it’s not because you eat after 7:00PM, it’s not because you had a baby, it’s not because you eat the wrong glycemic foods, and, no, it’s not the fast food industry’s fault if you are overweight and don’t like it...

...So let’s get past the calorie piece and all the misinformation and boil it down to one simple sentence you can apply to your life right now: “I won’t think about anything else except eating fewer calories than I burn until I reach my goal.” Say it again! “I won’t think about anything else except eating fewer calories than I burn until I reach my goal”.

Particularly apt as I get ready to dive head-first into a bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy this weekend, I think.

(oh, and I second Stumptuous when I add that you might maybe want to think about something else some of the time, or you become really, really annoying. Though that thing probably shouldn't be knitting, because as experience has taught me, if there is anything that makes someone's eyes glaze over faster that shooting down diet myths, it is talking about yarn. YMMV.)

1 comment:

Ms Parker said...

What? Noooooooooooooooo..... it's because of genetics and has nothing at all to do with sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours a day!