Saturday, January 17, 2009


1. I'm officially signed up for the Indianapolis Mini-marathon (a half marathon during 500 weekend) training program through my gym. The first meeting is next week, training runs start the week after.
2. I started my class last week, and feel pretty good about things overall. I'll be focusing my research on neurodevelopment (a fancy way of saying brain-based learning, or learning style) and responses to intervention, with a focus on how to determine learning style in very young (and sometimes not very verbal) children. While my instinct is to focus on Gardner, it seems that Levine developed the more popular theory right now.
3. It's COLD, yo. Canada, please take back your air.
5. I'm looking at apartments. The one I saw today would have been reasonable IF utilities were paid OR it was $50-100 less. And if it didn't smell funny. Like bad pipes funny. BOO.
6. We had a two-hour delay because of the cold. It would have been nice to have been notified before I got to school, but whatever. We had about half of our class today, and it was AMAZING!! If we had that many kids everyday, we would get SO MUCH DONE!! Goodness!!


Unknown said...

Don't be blaming that cold on Canada. I choose to blame Alaska.

Anonymous said...

I don't care where it comes from...just don't send it down here to Miami...brrrrrr!- Aunt Mimi