Friday, February 22, 2008

Testing done!

Today was my final, and while I'm still pretty sure I bombed it, in the end it really doesn't matter even a little bit except to my overinflated-pseudo-intellectual ego. Which is to say, it DOES matter, but not really. At least I did better than I thought I would, which good. I still don't think I did WELL, but better than what I imagined.

We still have class on Monday (not so much making with the sense, but whatever) and I have about a million verbs to conjugate, but other than that, I'm starting the review process and the actual using of Korean part of learning Korean. Which is what this whole thing is all about, right?

There is climbing happening this weekend at Ganhyeon, which is a few hours outside Seoul. Because I'm not down with the freezing my ass off, I'm only going for the day on Sunday. Given the rain right now, I'm thinking that I made the good choice on this one. In news of the mundane for most folks, I'll be getting my eyebrows waxed, buying yarn, going to an international food store, and book shopping this weekend. For most folks, these things are no big deal, but since they are for the most part novelties for me at this point (especially given that I get to do them all in one day, and will maybe go to more than one bookstore) this is a BIG DEAL for me.

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