Thursday, February 28, 2008


NY Philharmonic in North Korea

Interesting to note that while the (Korean) television news and CNN have made a note that the Philharmonic played "Arirang" - a traditional Korean song that EVERYONE knows - the English language newspapers made a point of saying that the concert "focused on American music." I'd link to the article, but I can't because of the love of flash-built web sites here.


Being home is nice. I like the coffee here (granted "here" means "in my apartment") but it seems like half the time I don't have hot water and I'm not sure what is up with that. I have a few more days of vacation, and then head back to work on Monday, though I have been told it would be nice if I could show my face at school today for some meeting for new and old teachers, which I'll probably do on my way to the gym.

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