Saturday, February 24, 2007


The past few days haven't been particularly interesting, but one little tidbit: I have been watching the second season of lost and just watched the flashback where Jin says he is from Namhae, which is really, really close to where I live.

Also, I'm starting to upload pictures from Thailand into my flickr album - here.

Monk Chat

In Chiang Mai, there are tons of temples (called wats in Thailand). This wat is HUGE and in the process of being renovated, with several temples on the grounds (if you go to flickr, other pictures of this wat follow). We talked with one of the young monks for a little while (he made sure to stay pretty far away, since they cannot touch or take anything from the hands of a woman without some major purification ritual) and at sunset when the bell was rung, there were TONS of stray (but tame) dogs who started howling. The monks from this wat take up collections to buy food and provide a home for these strays. There were even dogs that would go up and try to snuggle with some of the younger monks while they were in the temple for prayer. Seeing these young boys trying to focus while puppies nipped at the hems of their robes or try to shove their heads into their hands was really kind of cute. I think maybe i'm wrong for thinking that, but whatever.

I also think I still have that "post-vacation blah" feeling. Just kind of let down and not that interested/interesting. Nothing major, just not that excited about much. It is really impressive - I get so much less done when I have all the time in the world. If I have time limitations, I'm far more efficient.

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