Thursday, February 15, 2007

mostly pluses

+ two days in a row of being sent home early!
+ not having to go to work* at all tomorrow!
+ the person who (I think) will be my new co-teacher is awesome, an amazing teacher, and the principal likes her! Heck, the principal likes all three of the people it might be, and they are all good teachers.
+ in a stunning turn-about, my current co-teacher decided it would be easier if the whole of the next two weeks was listed as "workshop" so if I re-sign, I'll have a month of vacation time this summer!

- there was an issue with the co-teacher not processing paperwork I thought was already taken care of, which caused a near freak-out for everyone. And a near heart attack for me.

+ I think I may have ordered water to be delivered. We'll see it if arrives.

(* by "work" I mean sit at my desk and screw around on the computer because there is no point at all to me being there. At all. Now I can do the same, but at home in my pajamas. Oh, and I can watch the Gilmore Girls.)

Also, I want to know where restaurants here get their broccoli, because it looks and tastes a million times better than anything I've seen in the store.


Anonymous said...

Went to school today to make cinnimon rolls for a fund raiser. I smell so good. Worked from 6 AM to 1 PM and my dogs are so tired they howl. We made 34 pand of 35 @ rolls. Hope they make lots of money. Glad to hear that you are having a good time. The lady that I helped make the rolls is from Tailand and I mentioned that you had been there over Christmas and had the chance to pet a baby elephant and go to the beach. Wife and I are going to Tucson, Az next week to soak up som sun. MUD

Unknown said...
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