Monday, July 16, 2007


A friend asked (with the caveat that it is a rather broad question) "So, how's Korea?" - a question I'm sure I'm going to get asked a million times in the coming weeks. And I've been thinking about it, but am still not really sure how to answer.

Korea is: awesome, awful, filthy, and strikingly beautiful. People are offensive, offended, sometimes hostile, and often incredibly kind. I am told that I'm beautiful and that I'm too fat only minutes later. Children shout out my name and walk me home and old men spit when I walk by. Cities are crowded and polluted and the countryside is open and gorgeous. There is a wonderful recycling program and a horrible litter problem. I have been mistaken for a prostitute and given a great deal of respect for my position as a teacher.

Like anywhere, it is a place of contrasts. I cannot wait to go home next weekend, but I'm also really looking forward to coming back in August.

1 comment:

Ms Parker said...

Well said.