Monday, October 08, 2007


+ I ran 10k yesterday - in the rain - in a pretty good time for me.
+ I went climbing outside Saturday, and it was fun
+ I can already see that I'm improving my climbing technique after only a week in the gym. I'm at least thinking and using my feet more.
+ I feel like I passed some sort of test tonight at the gym. I don't know how to explain it or exactly how or why, but anyway, a good thing.
+ I feel a lot better about the 10k I have coming up next weekend.
+ A box that was sent from the US arrived at a friend's APO address (finally!!!)
+ Another order will be sent to me from a different friend on base.

-It ended up raining so hard (when I was as far as possibly from my house, so turning back was a moot point) that I really couldn't have been more wet if I had gone swimming in my clothes.
- The box that arrived at one friend's place is too heavy to have sent, and he is getting ready to go on a trip for about a month.
- I knew it would happen eventually, but on my second day in the gym I was told I should eat only rice and kimchi for breakfast and lunch, then drink milk for dinner. I cannot imagine the gastrointestinal disaster that would be.

I'm really happy there are more pluses than minuses in that list.


Jen @ Light Enough to Travel said...

Oh god... I can't imagine how quickly I would go homicidal on that diet. None of those are things I like to eat.

Ms Parker said...

Yay for more in the plus column than the minus!

Anonymous said...

Hi Honey. Would you please add a link to your Flickr page here on your blog? Those climbing shots scare me, but the other stuff is great. Thanks. Love, Mom