Thursday, October 25, 2007


My school is preparing for the Winter Festival. This is a very big deal, and students have been practicing since the semester started. There are now multiple hours each day dedicated to rehearsal.

One group is what seems to be a recorder chorus. If you haven't had the joy of listening to the same song played eleventy-million times each day for MONTHS, there is no way you can imagine the pleasure of that same song being played by 30-40 elementary students. On recorders.


Ms Parker said...

I am going to invent a time machine and go back in time to murder whoever it was that invented the first recorder.

Anonymous said...

It was the same person that invented the bagpipe.

Jen @ Light Enough to Travel said...

At my school the eleventy-million times a day song is "my grandfather's clock" and it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't already know the song. As it is I'm sitting there singing along and driving myself insane. I can't wait until the festival is OVER.