Wednesday, July 16, 2008

last day for 6th grade!

I realized that today was the last day with most of my 6th graders. WOW! Like, leaving and real and all that! Next week, I'll be going into their classes and doing some raffles for some USA-type stuff - my mom sent a ton of t-shirts from the canyon, and there are enough that there is enough for one per class, I have some USA stickers, some cups, and I'll probably buy some candy from the States - but today was the last day of the basic stuff. And it was a day where I was just doing the chapter review, so it wasn't even like it was something fun. Boo.

This afternoon I went to the doctor to get refills on drugs before I head home, and next week will try to get to the dentist. I'll need to grab a few boxes of contacts, but then I should be pretty well covered until I get a job and have insurance again.

The job thing is frustrating - I've had good feedback, until they realize that I'm not in the country for another few weeks. Stressful, but not a lot I can do about it.

Related to nothing, there was just the strangest tv show - it was some sort of high-school ballroom dance competition, only instead of having a boy and a girl, both dancers were girls, with one wearing the fancy dress (the "girl")and the other in black pants (the "boy"). Both had CRAZY amounts of makeup on, including false eyelashes that were about two inches long, with the "girl" of the pair with even MORE glitter, sparkle and shiny stuff. Which is saying rather a lot.

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