Sunday, July 13, 2008


Things I look forward to:
1. Listening to Morning Edition on NPR while drinking coffee.
2. Not having saleswomen climb all over me when I am just looking at stuff. (I was rude today and basically told someone to back off in really, really broken Korean and interpretive dance.)
3. FOOD. Mexican and Indian are big on my list of foods I miss right now.
4. Bigger personal space bubbles. Especially because it is so humid right now, the fact that kids feel like they need to be about 5 inches away from me if given the opportunity drives me INSANE, and it is sort of like that almost everywhere.

Things I will miss:
1. Cheap, reasonably healthy "fast food" choices. Kimbab, bibimbab, soups - basically, rice, veggies, tofu and/or a tiny bit of meat - range from about $1 to $4 and are available in even the smallest of towns.
2. Amazing recycling - almost EVERYTHING is recycled here, and most places have composting bins.
3. Inexpensive, efficient public transportation
4. "service" - basically, getting things for free. For example, I bought the hair goop that brings my joy (Aveda's Be Curly) and got samples of shampoo, conditions, and more hair goop. This happens in most stores, and it is like a nice extra little present.

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