Sunday, July 23, 2006

of running

Five miles. No walking. Did not die.

Will be entering a 5K next weekend - the Midnight River Run, with the modest goal of a sub 30 min time. That is pretty fast for my slow self, but my long runs are coming in at around 11:15/mile, so with a much shorter run I think it is doable. Also trying to decide between a couple of 5K races in Chicago in August - Race Judicata or Elvis is Alive. The Race Judicata is a fund raiser for Chicago Volunteer Legal Services, and the Elvis one raises funds for Rock For Reading.

I'd like to find a 10K in Korea in September or early October, but so far the only information I can find in English is for Seoul, which while not impossible, not optimal. I'm sure once I get there I'll be able to find out more information for something a bit closer to where I'll be.

I have my visa in hand, which means all the official, can't-go-without-it stuff is done, for the the most part. There are a lot of details that still need to be taken care of, but the biggies are in place. Still a lot to do, though.

Just so you know, there are a LOT of vowels in Korean. And I can't tell the difference between most of them. How I ever taught kids to read when I myself have absolutely no phonemic awareness at all astounds me.

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