Monday, August 21, 2006

a few points

1. I am even more clumsy with Korean metal chopsticks than I am with wooden ones. Which is saying A LOT. They are heavy and slippery and I look like an idiot.

2. The chopstick thing is only a little bit of a problem as I'm really not a huge fan of pickeled/fermented foods. This will be a long year in terms of culinary experiences, I think. Good thing I like rice.

3. Two friends came over to visit! Yay!

4. I found a park not too far up the road this morning, which was much more plesant for today's run.

5. I hate jetlag, but i love that for at least a few days I'm a morning person.

6. I haven't run hills for a LONG time.

7. While the canister of oatmeal kind of exploded in my bag (most was salvagable, but there are oats EVERYWHERE the Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter came through practically unscathed. There is some meaning there, I'm sure.

8. For the record, "whole and all" breakfast cereal is really pretty good. And I feel like a grown up for passing on the coco-puff looking box. at least for the time being. (the cap'n crunch will be saved for first-week-of-school emergency comfort food)

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