Thursday, August 31, 2006

volleyball and food

I have been asked to play volleyball as part of the teachers' sports day today after school.

Please let me not look too foolish. I thought at first this was a friendly type of game, but it seems to be quite competitive. I can sort of play - as in, I can usually hit the ball back over the net and my students in New Mexico liked having me on their team - but even though I am tall, that doesn't mean I'm GOOD. Ugh.

If nothing else, I will look like I am trying, which hopefully will make up for the fact that I am going to be bringing lunch most days instead of eating in the cafeteria. I have a hard time seeing the whole fish on my plate or meat I cannot identify. And while I like the soup to an extent, I can't do it every day. Besides, so far there have been grapes and treats in the teacher's room every day and I have been strongly encouraged to try and taste, which I've done (my stock phrase is "which is your favorite?" and then try that one. So far it has worked out well). I like most of the dok (sticky rice cakes) I've tried. For those of you who know about my texture issues, this is a HUGE thing.

ETA: No volleyball, because trying to set up the internet for my apartment to FOREVER. They wouldn't let me set it up in my name, so I had to have my co-teacher put it in her name. Had we known this, I could have started this process several days ago. But it is ordered, and there is a chance that it will be installed today.

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