Friday, September 14, 2007

Time flies

Time is going by so quickly! It seems like last weekend was just here, and now I'm back at Friday again!

This weekend will involve me getting up at a time when I should be GOING to sleep to catch one of three buses that will deliver me to the site for this week's climbing meet and greet. I don't think I've ever regretted a climbing trip, even the time I had to sit on the floor of the bus from Gwangyang to Deagu and back, so even though I'll be traveling almost as far as one possibly can within Korea, I'm thinking it will be worth it. Fingers crossed.

I won't be heading to Beijing for Chuseok, as the only tickets still available were out of my price range. Instead, a fairly large group of us will be heading to Jeju-do, an island just south of Korea, and where I did my first 10k run this summer. It should be amazing, and I'm psyched that I'll be going with an awesome group of friends.

An interesting note - with being around all the plague-carrying children (and my resulting plague-ridden respiratory system) and adjusting to the... interesting... air quality of Korea, my asthma attacks have been getting worse and I needed a new fast-acting inhaler. After a chest x-ray and pulmonary functioning test (the most through medical treatment I've had in Korea) I have been diagnosed with severe persistent asthma. My take is that it is severe is frequency, but NOT severe in terms of the effect of the attack itself. And while the doctor prescribed a pretty hefty new treatment inhaler, he neglected to give me the emergency fast-acting one - the main reason I went to the doctor in the first place. Which with this lovely cold is somewhat... interesting. And by interesting I mean sucky. Anyway, thought my folks would like to know that.

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