Monday, November 12, 2007



Crossing the finish line at yesterday's 10k. The race course was beautiful!! The timing in terms of the trees changing colors was just about perfect, and while the first three km were rather hilly and worried me (I thought the whole course would be like that) it flattened out and was just plain gorgeous for the rest of the race.

Brandon got to hit the gong to start the 10k race (he was cheering on Terri, who rocked out her first 5k race!)

10k runners
the Mokpo 10k team.

Also, in healthy-stuff news, I went to the gym at lunch for the first time today! I need to work out the timing and work out a condensed routine, but I think it will let me keep the happy endorphin/alone time rush and let me make better progress, while still giving me time to climb in the evenings. Go me.


Paula said...

Yay you!!!! Good job on the 10K. I've just finally gotten really into running and am hoping to do a 10K by the spring.
I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

Jess said...

Paula said...

Thanks! And please do! I used the couch to 5k when I lived in Gallup, and then after maintaining that for a while, added a k/week as I got ready for a race last June. Since then, I've somehow been able to maintain it, though how I'm not exactly sure, as I don't run as much as I should...