Saturday, April 01, 2006


I've had a couple of questions through email about the diet and fitness stuff, so I thought I would link a couple of pages here.

Fitday. This is the site that really helped me be aware of what and how much I really ate. The first week was more than a little horrifying, but now I love it. It will show you all kinds of pretty graphs, and helps track food and weight. I don't trust the activity stuff, as it doesn't seem accurate.
Stumptuous. Women and weightlifting. A feminist academic who lifts weights? Awesome.
Couch to 5K, as linked below. I'm not a runner - not yet - but I aspire to be. Baby steps.

I also know that I need something to be working towards or my attention wanders, so setting goals is really important for me. I have a couple long-term goals (unassisted pull-up, squat body weight, run the Crescent City Classic someday) and set short term ones pretty regularly as a way to keep myself motivated (the 5k, 135 bench...). I also track workouts but probably should come up with a better way to do that. I may play around with Excel over break and see what I can come up with.

So yeah, exercise more and eat less. Amazing how that works.

Oh, and it is Spring Break. Rock.

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