Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Update on Japan and job and random stuff.

Two months from today I leave Indianapolis for San Francisco, and two months from tomorrow, I leave for Tokyo.

We have about 7 weeks of school left this year.

On Thursday, I interview with a placement agency that will have openings in Yeosu this summer. I've sent my resume to a handful of schools where I know there will be vacancies, but I still have nothing definite, and while I know that I probably won't for at least a little while, it still freaks me out.

Things with the running are going well - I did my longest training run ever this afternoon (and possibly the longest I have ever run without stopping in my whole entire life) and while it was slow, it was still more than a mile and a half. Without stopping .(~2.25 with warm-up/cool-down) For real runners, that is kind of pathetic. For me, that is HUGE. I should probably note that this was done on a treadmill with the fan right on me, so not-so-much real-world conditions.

Also, I have about five inches left on a sleeve before I finish my second sweater. Then I can start the Print O' the Wave shawl (link is to the blog of the woman who designed it, and it has pretty pictures) and the other sweater I've been planning. Because nothing says "Spring" like a nice wool sweater. (/sarcasm).

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