Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Job offer

Last night I had a phone interview with a school in Korea, and I was offered a contract.

* I was able to negotiate for a little bit more than is standard for first year English teacher.
* The people who work at the school are very positive about their experience.
* I would be living in the apartment building right next door to a friend.

* Housing is shared, meaning that I would have a roommate. (there are ways in which this could be a pro, but...)
* I might be able to make more money and have single housing if I were to work at a private school.

I have a couple of days to decide. If I'm offered the position with the placement company, I will probably take that instead, but all in all, this is a good offer.

By the end of the week, I should have a better idea of where I will be teaching for the next year. Wow.

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