Tuesday, December 05, 2006

stream of consciouness

* I really want cookies right now. Or rather, cookie dough.
* The delicious udon noodle bowl I had for dinner last night either had an enormous amount of MSG or an enormous amount of sodium or both, because I've had a wicked headache all day. Which is sad because the noodles weren't fried, it was cheap, it was low-cal, and it really was pretty tasty.
* The word "mitten" is very close to the Korean word for "crazy." Also, many of the students wearing mittens in class are a little michin.
* The heat is on!! The teacher's room is warm enough that I don't need to wear my coat at my desk! In my classroom I still need it, but I can no longer see my breath in there.
* I have no classes at all tomorrow or Friday due to exams. I'm not sure if I have the two third grade classes on on my schedule for Thursday. I still need to be here all day.
* I'm making up an ESL version of the game Apples to Apples. I tested it with my supplemental class this morning, and they LOVED it. One of the girls with the lowest levels of English in the class was so incredibly clever in her choices, and argued for them really well.
* I'm having a really good time with my classes, once I get them hooked in to whatever we are doing.
* I am wearing a sweater I knit myself today.

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