Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Catching up.

I'm finally at the point in my apartment where things just look messy instead of still packed, which is an improvement. I also went to a school luncheon today, and go back on Friday for the ceremony of the old principal leaving and the new one beginning. My new co-teacher seems to be really great, and I think things will go pretty well. Other than that, most of what I've been doing is being social, which is a HUGE novelty!!

I'm doing some catch-up photo posting, and will post pictures of the apartment once I can post "after" shots that show it as something a bit more... liveable. But first, here is a picture of the restaurant/coffee shop a handful of us went to last night:


Mokpo rocks.


Anonymous said...

It's nice to see that you are at least trying to be social...we have to work on those skills, y'know. Be of these days, you're gonna see your mother and me peeking out from around a temple, taking photos of you making new friends.(EWWWW..I just get goosebumps visualizing that!)Love, Aunt Mimi

Anonymous said...

I'm not anonymous...I'm your Aunt Mimi!!!!

Goulash said...

My God... It's Barbie's lounge room.