Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Goin back

Two more days, and I fly back to Korea.

I keep giving myself little pep talks - I know that the reasons I chose to stay a second year are good and valid, but I'm not all that jazzed at this moment. Maybe I'm dreading physical act of moving a bit. I mean, I want to not have to do it - rather be magically transfered to my new place sans stress and sweat and messiness.

Next year will be a different experience for sure, and is one that I am looking forward to. But in a lot of ways, I sort of don't want to leave. It has really been nice to just be normal. No one stares at me. I go to the store and there is food I like to eat, I can fit into the clothes and shoes, and transactions are easy. The eye candy at the gym is much more appealing. I can drive. (and WOW is that a nice part! I feel a little guilty about how much I love it!!)

I didn't have a lot of the "reverse culture shock" that a lot of people talk about, maybe because I was mostly around family. Yes, I still think that everything is big (people, coffee cups, cars) but more in a "wow!" rather than an "eww!" way. Also, proving that nurture is a powerful tool that extends far beyond just what one learns from ones family, there is just something about a big ole corn-fed midwestern boy in carharts and a non-ironic trucker hat. Especially when they hold open doors for you.

Anyway, I'm trying to get my head set into a mode that will let me get as much out of next year as I can. I will be studying for personal trainer certification, trying to figure out where I will go and what I will do once I move back, and really trying to see and experience as much as possible in Korea. I want to run and climb and visit islands. I want to go to temples, have dinners with friends, and learn more about Korea. I want to get better at the language, do a temple stay, and get to know the teachers at my school.

This will be good.

Oh, slightly related, I bought a new camera yesterday since my old one bit it. I got a Canon SD1000. It is the hottest thing!! V. exciting!

1 comment:

Ms Parker said...

Bring the trucker-hat wearing boy that holds doors open back to Korea with you - will he fit in the suitcase?

Hopefully, your 2nd year will be better than your first :)
