Friday, August 03, 2007

A moment

Yesterday, I was almost overwhelmingly angry at Korea. I was driving (!) to Target (!!) and passed an Indian grocery store.

I was in a small suburb of Memphis. Not even a big suburb - a small one.

They don't even have Indian RESTAURANTS in some fairly large cities in Korea, and this neighborhood in Tennessee has a market! That is SO NOT FAIR.

The past week, I've been noticing the things I've learned over the past year. To be more accepting, to keep my mouth shut more, to in general, just let go and trust that things will work out for the best (while still having a back up plan, because I'm like that). I appreciate the efficient, inexpensive, and easily navigable public transportation system, I miss friends, and I'm looking forward to going back next year.

I do NOT miss the uniformity and lack of options that I have when living in Korea. I don't miss having everything I say, do, buy, noticed and remembered. I don't miss the lack of anonymity.

And I am really, really angry about the lack of food choices. I know that sounds so stupid, and it isn't anything new, but my goodness!! That little store seemed to epitomize all that bothers me about Korea.


Ms Parker said...

Hey there.... Underground Market in Gwangju and Foreign Foods Market in Itaewon carry lots of Indian food. In the case of the place in Itaewon (granted, it's a trip all the way across the country to get there!), the food is literally from India - not even English labels.

But you know, Korean food is "the best food in the world" and very "good for health", so I can't understand why you would want anything else....

Jess said...

That's the thing though - the shop in Seoul is in SEOUL - across the whole entire country - though I can't say anything about the one in Gwangju because I've never been there when they were actually open. And those are two major cities. I'm in a tiny little town, and there is one here.

I'm mostly just commenting on the lack of diversity.