Thursday, August 09, 2007

Things overall have been pretty great. I'm in Tennessee until tomorrow morning, at which time I'll be heading back to Indiana (and I still get the song, "Back home aggaaain in Indiaaaaanna" in my head every time I say that) tomorrow. I've been hanging out with my nieces and nephew and sister-in-law, and Memphis is moving up on the list of possible places to end up this time next year.

I'm less sad about going back to Korea than I was a few days ago. I'm now a bit more resolute about the whole thing, and I know that once I get back and get settled, things will be okay. There is a lot I need to do and figure out and learn. I'm looking forward to that.

It has been so great to just be normal here. People only pay attention to me because they don't know me, not because I'm some aberration. There is choice in EVERYTHING. Clothes fit. I can buy shoes.

But there are things I need to do still there, and I'm starting to gear up and get more in the head-space to take that on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right, it will be okay. Wouldn't it be great if we could have just two more weeks at home?
I sent myself a care package, and should get it right when the homesickness is kicking in again in October. We'll have a care-package dinner, complete with Mac & Cheese, gum, gummi bears, and a Canadian delicacy commonly known as Smarties (don't worry, the Smarties will bring you joy). And it will be good. You bring the wine. Hey, when are you moving to Mokpo? I'm moving in this Friday coming.