Thursday, August 02, 2007


I'm now just outside Memphis, after a really pretty wonderful week with my family in a "cabin" (and by cabin I mean enormous, lovely house on a mountain) in East Tennessee. So, since I'm just coming back from almost a week of no-internet, bullets:

* It is interesting to see all of us (my brothers, sister, and me) as adults. Good interesting.
* When I don't get enough exercise, I get short tempered. A sign of being a grown-up is that most people don't notice, or at least don't notice very much. I think Korea has taught me to keep the "WTF!!?!1!!" in my head.
* Children are loud. Often cute, but loud.
* Man, I miss being able to shop in the States. From food to clothes to yarn - WOW.
* I don't know if this is horrible allergies or if I just have a cold, but the past few days have seen all the fluid in my body trying to escape from my head.
* While there are many things I'm looking forward to back in Korea, getting on the plane will be difficult.

My mom will be arriving here tomorrow, and an aunt on Friday. Until then, I'm going to try to recover from the head cold of doom, find a gym for the next week, and help my sister-in-law with the little ones (4yo, 2yo, 3 months). Sometime in the next week will be trips to a fabric store, COSTCO (!!), Target, and possibly a running shoe store. While I love my Brooks, I can't get the ones I want in Korea and there are Adidas and Asics and New Balance stores all over, so I'm going to see if someone who knows what they are doing can recommend something that would work in one of those brands.


Ms Parker said...

Yay shopping!

How does it feel not to have to mime everything that you want?

I went to Lotte mart and mimed "dish washing" to one of the random ladies in leg-warmers standing in the aisles - she looked at me like I was on crack, giggled and took me to the dish soap aisle.


Jess said...

one time I had to mime "is this dish washing liquid or body wash?"

good times.