Saturday, May 06, 2006


Tonight I finished the last offical run of the couch to 5K program - my third half-hour run this week.

But I'm not at 5K in thirty minutes. Not even close. Like, only 2.3 miles. Using the pretty fast-paced walking I do for warm-up and cool-down, I'm doing three miles in about 41 minutes. If I were running more of that, I would be able to be below 40 min, so I think I'm going to go back to week 7 or 8 and start running for distance rather than running for time.

Which in terms of general running and fitness and stuff is fine, but I'm sort of committed to this race in two weeks (and two days, not to put too fine a point on it - the Squash Blossom Classic site is almost functional now) and I'm a little freaked out. I know logically I am capable of completing the course (though it is seriously "this is hiking" steep in places and I may have to walk a bit) and that with other people around I will probably be able to keep up. But I'm just worried about looking totally foolish for even attempting it. And there isn't a walk this year, so I could be dead last. I mean, I know SOMEONE has to be last, but I would prefer it not be me, you know?

I'm going to run the couse this weekend and probably head to the treadmill (ugh) or to the track at one of the middle schools to run for at least three miles this weekend just to know for sure I can do it, but I'm full of self-doubt and am not really sure how I should train in the next two weeks to make the least amount of a fool of myself. (but you should note that I'm not saying I'm not going to do it. This is what is called Progress and it is Significant.)

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