Thursday, January 04, 2007

more lists...

1. I have the incredibly odd combination of the song "My Love" by Westlife (which I was forced to listen to a MILLION times OMG-please-make-it-stop today) and a SNL clip that includes the line "Step 1 - cut a hole in the box." For the small number of people on the planet familiar with both of those (i.e. most people in Suncheon or other ESL teachers in Asia) you understand the dissonance.

2. I like the ferrets more than Bunnicula. I was snorted at and slightly intimidated by the bunny for not letting her run free. The ferrets are happy to see me when I get there, and I'm starting to think they are kinda cute. Right now, they are winning my affection (so it seems being happy to see me and not snorting are the ways to my heart). I'm only a little embarrassed that I resorted to whinying "stoOOOoopit!" to a rabbit that I think speaks German, but whatever.

3. I'm starting to think that I really don't like hiking. I mean, I like going for walks in the woods. I like rolling trail runs. I don't like feeling like my time outside is something that is only to be endured rather than enjoyed. I feel sort of bad for saying that - like hiking is something that I am supposed to like doing, or whatever - but I just don't. I feel like I am just trying to make it too the top, and most of the time I don't enjoy the process. I try, but I just don't. A short hike to DO something? great. A hike just to hike? Eh.

Also, I realized from a different perspective how much it sucks to be at the back of the pack on a hike. The kids at the end - the ones who probably needed the most rest - got the least because by the time they caught up, the "break" was almost over. Not fair.


Ms Parker said...

Remember that there is a big difference between "hiking" and "hiking with Koreans".

Hiking means walking at your own pace, wearing jeans and runners and laughing with your friends, while stopping every 15 minutes to admire the view, drink water, eat, smoke, whine about blisters, whatever, while 75 year old Korean men run past you wearing full climbing suits and carrying walking sticks.

Hiking with Koreans means being forced to run up Jiri-san in 5 hours (when my friends did it, it took them 7) with people who are wearing Alpine socks and facemasks.

There is a difference.

Jess said...

Ms Parker said...

That may be part of it, because it IS kind of easy for me to get into the "must complete hurryhurryhurry" mindset. Being reminded to appreciate the experience might help.

Still, if given the choice between a 4 mile run (on runable roads or trails) or a 4 mile hike in the mountains? The run will win.

Lauren Murphy said...

Hey Jess!
Thanks so much for the shout-out on your blog! I just want to second the, "hiking is not fun" comment. I too feel like I SHOULD like hiking, but I don't. It goes against my "hey I'm an outdoorsy, easy-going gal!" Glad to hear that someone else shares my secret disdain for hiking!