Monday, March 12, 2007

A few things

1. I own a pair of Korean jeans!
My favorite pair of jeans is starting to wear through at the back pocket, and while I would like to try to get them fixed, I decided that knowledge is power and I finally got up the courage to try on jeans in Korea, fully expecting to need a pair of one of the larger men's sizes. I actually fit into the women's! And, strangely, they were long enough. Granted, they sit kind of low on my waist to BE long enough, but still!! They CAN sit low enough on my waist!

I'm sure these are the largest size they make in women's pants, but they fit well - as in, are not tight - and if I can get down about one Korean size, a whole world of clothing options opens up for me here. Now if only I could lose a shoe size or two...

2. It was SNOWING today. Snow. Falling from the sky. In mid-March.
Teachers at my school have said, "Winter is jealous of Spring." I would like to kindly request that Winter just get over it already, as I am not too happy with Winter right now and would prefer not walking to work in below freezing temperatures.

3. I'm having a little wave of homesickness right now. Not big, crashing Tsunami-type of wave, but a wave nonetheless. An unusually high tidal surge, if you will. I know it is normal, but I really would like to visit home for a while. I don't want to leave here, but I don't really want to BE here, if that makes sense.

4. My new co-teacher rocks - I am getting supplies for my classroom, she is getting people to fix the monitor in the English lab, and I will be getting a few new things for my apartment. Her English is great, she is trying to find a place for me to get a skirt I love but ruined copied, and is super helpful.

When the box arrived, it was full of great stuff. But instead of the markers or colored pencils I had requested, there were colored ink pens. And instead of the 80 dry erase board markers, there were 80 dry erase board erasers. The pens are fine - they will be able to make signs and posters with them, and if they want something different to use, they can bring it, and they returned and re-requested the dry erase stuff. But those little things are just a snapshot of how every interaction is sometimes a little misunderstood.

5. Also, (and I'm saying this just because it annoyed me), JUST AFTER buying the Korean jeans that fit(!!) a friend and I were walking past one of the little boutique-like shops in Home Plus (basically, from what I can tell they rent out spaces to these little shops or something. I don't really get it. Anyway.) and were looking at some of the clothing in the sale bin. The woman came up to us and basically just said, "No size!" as if by looking at her clothing we would stretch it so far out of shape that it would never fit anyone else ever again. Hate. Her.


Anonymous said...

In Vietnam, there was a Korean Tailor on about every base. They would take anything you owned and make a copy of it for pennies on the dollar compared to what it would cost here in the states. Surely there are little shops that can and will make about anything. Perhaps you need a pattern sent over but I'll bet they can sew anything to include jeans. MUD

Ms Parker said...

Didn't anybody packing the supplies think, "Why would anyone want 80 dry erase board ERASERS?"

Unknown said...

Jess, I am missing you a lot right now too. I'm looking forward to seeing you in August, which is too far away, but somewhat comforting. Love, Mom