Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Last weekend in Daegu, the friend who was belaying me reminded me a couple of times that I needed to breathe.

Today in the volleyball games at school, two different teachers, neither of whom speak very much English, told me to relax.

Seeing a pattern?

Things aren't bad at all. I mean, today I've been cranky for no good reason, but in general, things are going pretty well right now. I just would probably be better off with regular reminders to breathe.

I got the papers regarding my intent to re-sign or resign my contract. They are due tomorrow. While I like the idea of trying to move to Mokpo and having a much easier time getting around Korea, having more people to hang out with, being able to do all the different stuff I like to do more easily, I also like the community of my school, my apartment, my neighborhood. I like it that the lady in the yarn shop across the street let's me look for as long as I want and leaves me alone until she deals with my broken Korean of "pretty!" and "how much?" even though most of the time I don't buy anything, or how kids in my neighborhood say "Oh, Jessica! HiHello!!" - I'm a real person here, with a name people know.

I am pretty sure what I will do is say "mokpo" as my first choice for next year, and send a follow-up email to the powers that be explaining that I'm still trying to get in touch with all the folks who might be leaving, that I love my current school, but if I can move to a position in Mokpo that is recommended by the people currently there, I'd like to move to a bigger city.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
