Thursday, May 10, 2007


A blog I read regularly posted Strength standards for men and women. You have to go through a bit of T-Nation BS to get to the chart.

I think that maybe if I went by the BW measurement (they say you can use which ever is lighter for you) as my measurement it would be somewhat accurate, but then I would be able to say I am GREAT in so many areas!! I'm either at the top level or almost there for many categories, good in most others, and decent in pull-ups. I have issues with dips (basically, I'm afraid I'll get stuck like a bug on the handles of the dip machine. It is a long story and maybe doesn't make any sense, but I'm pretty sure I can't do one yet.) and so that is the only measure I don't even get decent marks on.

I will be running a 5k in Gwangju next weekend, which should be a lot of fun. It is a breast cancer fund raiser, (the Pink Ribbon Marathon. In Korea, all running races are marathons) and a ton of friends are going to be there, so it should be a blast.

I registered for the 10k June 3ed on Jeju-Do. If my run today was any indication, I hope to have a 5k run, a few km interval run, and the last few km repeating the mantra, "please don't let me throw-up in public" until I stagger across the finish line. I'm thinking it won't be pretty, but it will be done.

I've had mandatory multi-hour volleyball practices the past few days for "Sports day" next week, which is one of the reasons I think the run was The teachers at my school take this stuff incredibly seriously. We were killing the other team and since my shoulder and elbow are pretty tired, I was doing more feinting kind of stuff (which, according to my school, is now "meguk-style." Sorry, USA.) and I kept getting directions to hit the ball harder. It didn't matter that we had won the last five games and were ahead. So basically, I spent 2 hours spiking the ball at 40-60 year old Korean women.

also, my gym is REALLY hot lately, like, disgustingly horribly hot, which isn't helping with the wanting to die while running business.

In non-exercise/sports related news, I somehow managed to get my school to allow me to "work from home" tomorrow, since my other school is testing. I'll go back for volleyball practice (because even if it is kind of frustrating, it is fun) and then will have a weekend at home!!

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