Wednesday, November 08, 2006


The bike won't start.

This happened last night. I called a friend, he came over during his lunch break, it started, no problem. I feel and look stupid, but whatever, happy it works.

I just tried to start it again.

It won't start.

I'm so mad I can't see straight. I know that I'm doing it right, and it just won't fucking do what I want it to do.


ETA: Went on a hike with my school today. It was awesome. Will post about it (with pictures, because hey, that makes everything more interesting, right?) when I can do something other than fume.

ETA (again): fixed it. well, worked around it. When you kick start, you feel like a badass. Just so you know.


MUD said...

Did you use the choke? Most engines need chokes when you start them cold. Have your friend show you how to do it. Good Luck.

Jess said...

MUD said...

That's the weird thing - it was only about 60 out. Cold for here, but not cold for real. The lever for the choke doesn't seem to be doing much of anything - not sure what is up with that.

Kick starting works, so that's what I started to do. Plus, at least for right now, it makes me feel kind of cool.

MUD said...

A cold motor is subjective. 60 degrees is cold for a motor. The choke on a bike doesn't do anything but close a flap inside the Carbureator. Does it help? If it does, use it and be glad.