Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Wallet, the update

Last night, after running around and getting everything canceled and re-issued and all, I got a call from one of my co-teachers (from the lovely little school I go to on Friday).

He had called the post offices in Gwangju, and someone had dropped my wallet in the mail. He will pick it up for me on Thursday, and will give it back to me on Friday.

It was hard to tell, but it seems like all the money was gone but the cards were still in there (which would make sense, as there really is no way a Korean would be able to use a card with my name on it) and I am just crossing my fingers that my Indiana Driver's License is still there, as that was the one thing I didn't know how to go about replacing. I can get a Korean DL by having a US one (not exactly sure how to go about that, but I know it can be done) so not having it makes it far more difficult to be street legal here.

Oh, and I'm driving around my neighborhood with a fair bit of confidence. Still a bit over cautious, but getting to the point where I'm fairly functional.


MUD said...

Talk to motorcycle owners and they will tell you tyhat most accidents happen when you get over that little twinge of fear riding. Keep you helmet on and keep an eye out for the other driver. For some reason drivers just lose sight of the fact that motorcycles can go fast. Wear bright clothes and keep the lights on. I know I sound like a dutch uncle but I emjoy your blog site and would hate to lose the insite into another country. Dennis

Jess said...

Being reckless is not something to be worried about. If anything, I'm being TOO cautious, and here, that can almost be as big a problem