Friday, November 03, 2006

The past couple of weeks have been BUSY. I'm looking forward to a nice boring evening at home and being able to sleep late tomorrow morning. I'm trying to find out if the rock climbing gym I've heard about in a nearby town is still open. If it is I may try to head over tomorrow afternoon, and may be going for a hike in Suncheon on Sunday.

After getting the bike back to my house, I've been a little afraid of it. I have taken it out a few times, but mostly just stopping and starting, shifting gears, getting used to starting on minor inclines/declines. Once I get going, I'm fine. I'm just lacking in confidence.

Last night it was ridiculous - there was a van that was parked in such a way that it made seeing the traffic coming down the hill impossible, so I totally psyched myself out and refused to cross the street. It didn't help that the street I wanted be on was one lane but not one way so cars kept coming at me, and it was at about the busiest time of the evening (though granted, it still isn't all that busy). I am a big baby and need to get over it. The church behind my apartment has a reasonably big parking lot, and I plan to head over there to practice this weekend, but I DO have to cross the street to get to the gas station at some point. Town is mostly empty on the weekends, so hopefully I'll be less of a chicken. I mention all of this only for those who think I'm being reckless. I am being slow and careful and cautious.

I had dinner with friends in Jungma Wednesday, and made dinner for a friend at my house last night. This is of note because it is the first time that anyone other than my co-teacher has been to my apartment. Given how far I am from everyone, that really isn't all that surprising, but it was nice to feel like I'm worth the trip. (This isn't a pity-party - I don't know where to go out around here, and there isn't a lot to do, and it IS more interesting to be in one of the other towns if people want to go out. It was just nice that someone wanted to make the trip out here, is all.)

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