Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Car photoshoot

On Saturday morning, Virgina came to rescue me rescue Jakob visit and take her darling baby kitty back to their new home in Mokpo. She also brought presents! (YAY, presents!!)

On the way, she and a rather hungover Stu gave me a ride to the airport in Gwangju. (Getting to see friends + not riding the bus=awesome).

At one point, I decided we needed car photos. Because I love him, I won't post either of the pictures that makes it look like Stu drives with his eyes shut.

car photo shoot

If my friends really loved me, they might have said something like, "so Jess, have you thought about doing something about those eyebrows?"
car photo shoot

Included only because you can see how pretty our eyes really are.
car photoshoot

Stu being a good sport, though the giggling and the photos and the nonsense may have been considered cruel and unusual punishment.

Goodbye Jakob. Please be nice to your mother.


Anonymous said...

Your eyebrows are gorgeous! Don't be silly.

Jakob is being a sweet sweet kitty since coming back from bootcamp/Aunty Jessica's. He did try to redecorate the apartment last night and he attacked my ankle for 5 minutes this morning but compared to the usual Jakob??? That's nothing!

Jess said...

My eyebrows are enormous. We are having some discussions with Mr. Tweezers.

I hope the sweetness lasts! There were definitely times when he was cuddle-kitty.

I bought a puzzle last night. One with lots of pieces. :)