Thursday, June 14, 2007


Last night, a friend had a clothing exchange - basically exchanging all the clothes and stuff people don't use anymore.

I don't have a lot of clothes to exchange - I have some sweaters and some things I got here that just don't look or fit right, but they weren't organized in any sort of appreciable way and so I'll haul them to the next one - BUT I was able to benefit from the generosity of everyone else! I left with a TON of clothes, and I was able to get feedback from people about what was flattering and what wasn't, which was the really great part. Simple things like, "THIS cut is really good on you" which is so helpful! I ended up taking some things that I never thought I would be able to wear, but which actually looked pretty good! Yay for new clothes!

I missed that stage of teenage girlhood of going shopping with my friends and talking about what looks good, what doesn't, what is flattering, etc. I never could shop at the stores my friends could, and trying things on was always such a demoralizing experience. I was always stuck with finding things that would fit me first, and which were flattering second (if even really a consideration) and I'm sort of back in that same mindset here. My only experience with shopping for things and not having it be ego-sucking experience was last summer, so last night was pretty great.


Ms Parker said...

Yay for new clothes!

RE: Bad feeling hiding in fat - as someone who eats her emotions (used to smoke them *sigh*), I'd like to think that, as the fat leaves, those bad emotions just melt away too....

MUD said...

You are who you are and no one is absolutely the right size. I have to buy in the big and tall store and lately WalMart has started carrying some of the 2X and 1xLT. Who knew. I never dressed to impress anyone, I dressed to stave off being naked. MUD