Monday, June 11, 2007

Random and assorted musings.

I'm having one of those "gee, I miss home" things. I think in part because I know I will be there soon, and also because I miss not being able to be in Texas with the rest of my step-mom's side of the family.

I want to be able to be there for things.


1. I finally made reservations for my flight home - I had been trying to find a flight that was less than $2000 USD, and found one that was pretty close to that today. I'll be getting to Chicago on July 21, and leaving on August 15.

2. I now need to decide what schools to ask for. I know one that would be a good choice in Mokpo (were I know a ton of people) one in Suncheon (again, where I already have friends) or staying where I am, which, while I like my apartment and the people that I work with, (and I have one of the easiest teaching schedules in the whole entire world) is pretty far away from everyone and everything.

3. This weekend I was knitting on the sleeve on the sweater that will not end, and that is also probably too big for even blocking to help, but sleeves and collar! That's it! Then done! And I was sitting here, lamenting my slow progress, when I tried to buck myself up by saying to myself, "Hey, if you were knitting a hat, you would have almost knit the whole thing tonight!!"

AND then thought, "hey, wait a minute..."

Because my arms are a lot smaller than my head.


80 stitches, Lamb's Pride, #6 needle. Yep. Hat.

Fine. I admit it. I'm done. It will be ripped out.

This will be the second entire sweater I've had to rip. Granted, one actually fit when I completed the sweater but now is ridiculously too big (and I was able to save the top part as a shrug), but still.


Ms Parker said...

Okay, can you explain to me why I should start knitting?

Yeah, I can't think of a good reason either.

Have fun in America-land.... keep an eye on the exchange rates - they are fluctuating every day.

Jess said...

Don't hate on the knitting! You know that deep down, you want to be like all the cool kids who knit. :)

Not everyone has the amazing powers to ignore the reality of what they are knitting like me. That is an advanced stage of denial. You don't get there until you move WAY beyond scarves and hats.

Besides, like your cat would let you knit. ;P

Anonymous said...

Cool story, Hansel. :)

Lauren Murphy said...

I will be in Chicago when you get there the 21st!! Let's hang out!!
Mwah, Lauren