Friday, June 15, 2007


In about an hour, I will get on a bus to Seoul. My step-brother and his girlfriend will be here for the weekend on their way to visit her father in Hong Kong, and so I'm heading up to meet them.

There will be bookstores with books in English, food, and clothing, but most of all, I'll get to see family, something that has happened for about 10 months now.

Also, a BIG plus to my country school - the adjusted the schedule so I can catch the bus from here, letting me get in significantly earlier than I planned. So really, that was two things - letting me leave early without a mountain of paperwork, and adjusting the schedule. (I traded planning periods with another teacher). I really love this school, and I was pretty sad when I realized that I have two more days here if I end up going to a different school next year. (Next week they are camping, two weeks of classes, then exams). I will miss these kids a bunch.

I just sent an email asking to move into the job a friend of mine currently has, so we'll see where that leads. If I end up staying here, it won't be the end of the world, but I would like to have more options for socialization.

1 comment:

Ms Parker said...

Hope Seoul is wicked awesome.

Glad that your school is being so understanding too.
