Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Moments of good

Today, my biggest behavior problem was a little boy telling me how beautiful he thinks I am.

I've been rather cranky lately. Nothing major, just kind of... grumpy for lack of a better word. I'm pretty sure it has to do with adjusting to a lower number of calories again, plus my woowoo theory that for me, depression is stored in fat so all the things I covered up with eating I have to deal with when the fat comes off. But then today I had kids telling me how much they love me, students run across the street to walk with me when they saw I didn't have an umbrella, and the regulars at the gym who now bow and grin at me when I come it (the bows I am used to - it's the grins that are new). And today when I felt like I looked kinda chubby, one of the grumpy old men who is always at the gym told me that I looked thiner and that I was strong and doing well. And things are pretty okay.

1 comment:

MUD said...

I swear that all sorts of things are stored in fat and when you start to diet you just feel bad. Get out in the sunshine a little more and try to walk some to help you mental attitude while repairing your physical self. Good luck. MUD