Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I think I just broke up with my gym.

It wasn't ugly or dramatic or anything, and there was nothing out of the ordinary, except for the fact that I tend to pay three months at a time, and my three months was over. I'll be here until July 21st, then will be home, then will be moving to Mokpo, and really, it is just as cheap to pay the $2.00 a time as to pay for a month (how silly is that?!) So before I decided if I was going to get the month or go day to day, I asked a critical question: DO you have air conditioning down here, and just aren't using it yet?

The answer was no.

Now, outside it isn't that hot. I mean, it is humid as all get out, but really not oppressively hot. Yet. And already, walking into the gym is like walking into a cloud of hot and gross. Every person in the room is drenched, and I'm no longer the only person standing directly under a fan between sets. And in July, it will get worse.

The not-so-well equipped gym I went to at first has air, but I don't know if he is using it yet. The community center has the same per-day rate, and while it is sort of far away, I can bike there or take a taxi.

So I turned in my key.

It really sort of sucks, because I had finally gotten to the point where I wasn't such a sideshow freak there, but today when I went from really really red to really really pale, I knew I wasn't going to be able to deal if it gets any worse in there. So goodbye, Sporex. You saw my first chin up.


Anonymous said...

Breaking up is very hard to do. Are you going to look the other way every time you pass the gym, or will you stare at it in fascination?

Jess said...

Stare at it, and wonder if it misses me as much as I miss it. I'll look away quickly, of course, but still... Sigh.

Tonight is my first night at a new place, which might be the old place (the first ex-gym in Gwangyeong). Or I'll venture far afield to the big city of Jungma-dong.